Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Karena Ku Sanggup-Agnes Monica

Thursday, January 20, 2011

will you?

one day
you will disappear
like water bubbles
you will disappear.


Mazleela - Tabah

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

LEO FOR 2011 people!

Year 2011 promises to be great year - professionally as well as in your personal life. No doubt, you will face some obstacles through the year, but this will only make you stronger and more determined in life. You will need to handle personal relationships more delicately, being sensitive will help salvage some of the turbulent relationships you already have. Follow your gut instinct, especially when it comes to work and love; you will be rewarded handsomely. Overall, a year of better times, so much to look forward to!

Your colleagues at work will be counting on you for that massive project you are all working on, show them that you have a stable head attached and you will go far. Not feeling up to it just yet? Wait a month or two, and things will slowly come your way. To make things really happen for you, Leo, you will need to count on your initiatives. Waiting for others to make it work for you wont cut it. Instead, pull some strings, especially through the contacts you have made so far, and before you know it, all that effort will pay off.

You will spend most of your first half of your year concentrating on work, but that does not mean you won't have time for love. If you are attached, be careful not to spend too many
late nights at the office, your partner could be feeling neglected! Make it up to him in February, where partnerships are favorable in your horoscope.

Your bank balance will be healthy in 2011, healthy enough for you to venture out of your comfort zone and explore new money-making possibilities. That said, make sure you concentrate on the long term gains that will put you in good situation. Avoid any risky ventures, especially around November. You dont want to spend the last months of the year worrying about money when you should be thinking about the ending it with bang instead! Also, watch out for your big spending ways. If you are determined to change your lifestyle, then it is time to ask for a raise (or even look for a higher paying job) so that you can enjoy life to the fullest. September is also a good time for finances when things see a marked improvement.

Like your love life! there wont be much time for family and friends as the year begins and your work life starts dominating. For once, you be happy to be left alone to focus on what you want but, don neglect those close to you. Come March, someone at home will need you to take charge, especially when it comes to property and home life. Seek a balance and it will all pay off in November.


Yeah, ive just been gone through my horoscope for this year! hehe Yaa, ada jugak persamaan dengan planning yang bakal aku buat tahun neh plus awal perjalanan awal tahun neh. Banyak jugak kebaikan horoscope neh. I know, kite tak patut percaya sangat, horoscope neh just guide kite to have a good life isnt? So, pepandai la kite uruskan hidup kita masing-masing ya! So, here some planning and semangat 2011! ;

  • Part-time working / weekend only * dah survey2, rasenya untuk raya cine ada kerja partime and plus esok nak call beberapa orang penting untuk confirmation partime nanti :)
  • Cuba mengurangkan perbelanjaan yang seperti sungai mengalir. haha
  • Busy dengan study and stay late kat libry , until takde mase nak lepak dengan housemates! But dont worry aku kene pandai-pandai balance-kan study and lepaking with all gffs. = . =
  • Sibukk and usaha kene tambah seket for my good result. And maybe kepercayaan dari kawan-kawan boleh buat aku terus study dengan baek! :D
  • Ehem, list untuk backpacking dah siap! haha Cume tengah tunggu either planning nyer jadik ataupun tak je. sayang! bler nak backpacking neh? Nanti duet dah susut naek bus panorama je! isk~
  • Love? Ehem2, harap-harap lebih baek dari tahun lalu... plus Ahmad Syihan dapat interview kerja this 27Jan. auuw. Hope boleh buat dengan baek sayang! Muah3
  • Family? Harap-harap mama && abah sihat sajaaa . Muah jugakkk!
  • And plus, ramai cousin yang bakal mendirikan rumah tangga tahun neh! suke lah plak! Bertambah-tambah anak buah! hehehe
  • Money? Ohh ramalan kaji cuaca berkata, duet di dalam bank sihat-sihat sajaa. hope so lah yer! And plus, manage duet dengan baek yer and get benefits selepas kita tabung-menabung! oh yeah!

p/s ; haha, i know macam terlewat seket untuk bace
ramalan horoskop neh. But, its still January sayang! who cares!
lagipun, before this, takde mood lagikk for 2011.
Sebab banyak bencana yang menimpa hati jiwe dan raga i nie.
Now, dah ade mood plak! haha tetibe lah kan?

Watever pun, happy 2011. haha sayang semua! gilak!


Tuesday, January 11, 2011

the little mermaid

the little mermaid looked at the prince sadly,
she jumped into the sea, became thousands of bubbles
and vanished.

Again, mimpi yang tak sempurna < 3

L: in your dreams what is troubling you much?
P: in my dreams, you are there.
L: are you still, not happy with me in your dreams?
P: Even so.....please come..tomorrow and the next day ♥

p/s : i do. i do miss you. pfft!