hepy birthday dato adib! sweet 68!
Yesterday, all my office mates celebrate Dato Adib's birthday at 3rd floor Aidaas. Like always, every year, actually dato dislike people to celebrate his own birthday! "hai dah tua2 orang menjerit nyanyi2 lagu birthday tuk i, potong kek malaslah, haha" He's funny rite? His daughter, Miss Aida who is merangkap Big Boss Aidaas who was plan all the stuffs. Before start "acara potong kek" she wish and kiss her beloved father (dato), then dato said, "sape lagi yang nak kiss i? haha" We enjoy eating nasi minyak, kambing, daging lembu, ayam sambal, dalca from one of dato's fav restaurant near Flamigo Hotel. *i eat a lot. sedap okeh? And last but not least, miss aida belii cake banana choc from secret recipe for dato.
Then, not forgotten to my dearest lovely friends Liia and Wanie sayang....Both of them will celebrate their birthday on this weekend and next week!
Then, not forgotten to my dearest lovely friends Liia and Wanie sayang....Both of them will celebrate their birthday on this weekend and next week!

"umur semakin meninggi
harap2 awak pun semakin tinggi!" hee~

Liia - 5 July 1988
Wanie - 9 July 1989
Hepy becoming birthday sayang!
Semoga panjang umur!
p/s : to nadia sayang : thanx wakafkan baju MNG you kat i. haha
to atuf sayang : haii sorry about your hp. tunggu i kaye, i hadiahkan ipod
kat you nanti tau! hee~ oit rindu la!
to atuf sayang : haii sorry about your hp. tunggu i kaye, i hadiahkan ipod
kat you nanti tau! hee~ oit rindu la!
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