Hmm, currently cuti midterm break honey! But , hidup aku still busy dengan beberapa perkara yang kene buat. Urgh. contohnya, partime job (taksabar tunggu gaji), assignment and study. Erkk, but reason yang last tue belum sempat dilaksanakan lagi. heee~
Ermmm banyak benda yang buat aku happy, busy, tak sabar, nervous in the same time lately.
happy = alhamdulillah banyak perkara yang baik berlaku lately. *baik berbanding beberapa minggu yang lepas
busy = partime job, even penat but i know i will get the benefits later rite? dari stay rumah or belek mengadap fb jeh plus malas study! hee~
tak sabar = OMG! i cant wait for my dear Mr.Toad to come and visits me next week! Urgh, dah beberapa bulan tak jumpe? Terasa dah macam setahun lah! *ouch! seriously i miss him much!
nervous = ermm, this friday i have rehearsal for my diploma convocation. ouch! Nervous gilaakk nak pergi convo neh even nak naek pentas amek sijil, nervous jugakk nak jumpe teman-teman lame yang ramai dah merantau ke cyber kan? :) Then, convocation day next week 2nd August before my birthday! lagila nervous! eissh nak pakai baju ape ya???
bersyukur = Alhamdulillah, aku masih bergembira dan tersenyum walaupun kau sudah tiada disisi ku lagi. :) *ouch! and its definitely for you. yes you! lalala~
Then, bulan neh.. ramai orang-orang yang tersayang and terapat dengan aku, menyambut tahun kelahiran mereka yang ke 21 terutamanya. :D
Ermm, i wish i can celebrate all my dearies birthday! But honey, sorry laahh ada yang tak sempat and tak dapat pun nak jumpa tuk celebrate sesame birthday korang! Ermm, tapii like always, end of birthday cik Nadia kita mesti kita leh celebrate sesame kan? *eish tak aci betul time die jeh dapat celebrate neh. huuu~
Ermm, i wish to celebrate with them later okay dear??? This week on 26July, is Mimie's birthday! One of my bestie :)
Memandangkan, die housemate plus bff ksygan saye, so sempatlah kitorang plan buat surprise party tuk cik Mimie neh. Semoga you happy dengan surprise party neh sayang! :)

setua seabad dengan empunya tuan rumah neh
Mr.Chong sila bagi kerusi yang umurnya
sebaya kami bukan anda. siilaa please! :p
i wont tell you
if you are the one that
i love,
but i will care bout
you because you are
the one that i love.