Yaaa, i dont know. Tetiba jer after what happen, iam feeling like iam become someone new! Urgh, then iam feeling like, aku lepaskan perkara yang sepatutnya dah lame dah aku lepaskan! Ouch! I dont know how to describe this feeling. Just, after everything settle then i call my dearest Ahmad Syihan, then! Pop!
Ohhh! i know! Tuhan jadikan sesuatu perkara itu bersebabkan? Cuma bagaimana kita menerimanya and mengambil masa untuk terima the reality is part of our life. Ermm, kalau nak cakap tentang benda neh memang tak abes, sebab biler kita mengalami sesuatu perkara tue barula kita tau macamane rasenya.
Laen orang laen penerimaan honey! Maybe, ade yang kuat untuk terima segala dugaan yang mendatang. But, iam not! Seriously, iam not that strong, but each day iam trying to be strong, to keep strong and trying to accept everything that happens on me...
And aku belajar setiap hari and mencari alasan apa pun dugaan yang aku hadapi, and alhamdulillah lama-kelamaan i found it honey!
Even, its really break my heart, buat aku rase down giler sometimes but i know, ada hikmah disebalik semuanya. And iam the one that believes in karma. Yes, definitely. :)
Ermmm, i wont turning back after this. Iam promise! I will keep this promise to myself. Past is past. Aku takkan letak harapan apa-apa lagi , takkan mengingati apa-apa pun lagi, takkan cuba untuk berlari mencari-cari lagi, takkan apa-apa lagi.Cuma aku percaya, apa pun yang terjadi dalam hidup kita, kita takkan boleh lupakan. Kita hanya boleh jadikan ia kenangan even ia sesuatu perkara yang pahit, tapi ia beri kita suatu perkara untuk kita belajar, berfikir, and beri kita suatu pengalaman.
Ermmm, its not easy to being me, you, and we. Life is not easy as we thought like the drama in Tv shows, like the novel, the cinderella story. HELL NO.
But, life is full of colors that we learn each day, we find a new thing each day, we search a new thing. urgh! Thats make our life perfect in the end of the time honey! Kita akan tempuh satu hari nanti. we will. insyallah
And last thing, iam happy of being myself, to have all my great family around me, all my craziest friends that ive ever had, to have all the people that always guide me when iam getting lost, someone that love me with all their heart even they know iam not a perfect person, someone that truely love me with honest, and to all that make my life better!
And i hope, you guys take a good care of yourself, because i love you guys!
Enjoy looking my old and new picture! I know, maybe today there are a lot of things maybe change, but iam still loving them as the old day. Just put all the blame on me. And forgive my mistakes. Like i told you before, apepun yang terjadi ada hikmahnya and i really do believe in karma. SPREAD LOVE.


"Some people come into our lives and quickly go.
Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts.
And we are never, ever the same."
Some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts.
And we are never, ever the same."
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