Saturday, June 13, 2009


celebrate ours birthday! <3

mcd's our favorite most lepak-ing place!

Erm ohh here they are my dear part-time lover! Sayang sesangat kat sume! *muah3 alahai, tetibe sangat rindu kat korang! isk, macam aku nak pegi jauh pulak kan? haha. Iam feeling like this sebab baru jeh tadi, iam reading my dear atuf's blog. I miss you too! hee. *padahal baru sehari lepas berenang2 same kat waterworld? adeh.

Erm we had spend time together too much..and we are getting close since we are FORM 1. Just hopefully our friendship will always be there and you know iam always be here for all of you remember? Anytime and always dear. Hmm iam just thinking if korang takde what will be happen to me??? we share secrets, we share our laugh and we share our money too? hehe
sayang korang jugak sesangat!

"Be courteous to all, but intimate with few,
and let those few be well tried before you give them your confidence.
True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand
the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to the appellation."

p/s too : "nadia sayang , i nak doktor2 hensem jugak!
atuf : ala you dah dapat tokeh kapal tuh cukuplah!
and dont worry if nad takde aku leh
temankan ko jugak lah! sob3."


Izzati said...

Esah besday hang bukan bulan 8 ke?

nur husna abdullah said...

haha siot panggil aku esah! erm nie pic lame2 la. erm ktrg bufday bulan 7 and 8. so celebrate sekali.

hu3. siot zati! =p

Izzati said...

aku meamng siot tak tau ka? XD