Wednesday, July 15, 2009

song for today.

andai milik kita by elyana

Semoga anda semua ceria bersama orang tersayang.

tell me i'm not making a mistake..
tell me you're worth the wait..
that you're always gonna be here..
make me believe i'm making the right decision..
by still holding on..
show me that you're gonna be around..
to catch me when i fall..



*bola itu bulat* said...

abs kot aku xde org trsyng mcm mn??
aku nak ceria ngan sp???
hmm sdh la

nur husna abdullah said...

haha gedixx lah ko!
habes tuh !
mak ekaw bapak ekaw!
adik2 ekaw! tuh hape!

*jadikk tak loghat nogori
i sayang? hee~