Hello people! I think almost two month i am not updating my blog! Ouch! Too much too say and too much to care lah! heee. Hidup busy and semakin complicated, but alhamdulillah aku tempuh dengan hati yang kuat and semua perkara mempunyai hikmah yang tersendiri bukan?
How to say? Since cuti last semester, i had been busy with my personal matter then masalah datang bertalu-talu then cube harungi dengan kuat even airmata meleleh. haha duh! Ermmm, and i know ada perkara kadang-kadang kita tak perlu nak ucapkan then we just leave it with silence right?
So lets the pictures tell you the story. :) And fyi peep, i believe that... somehow gambar tak semuanya menggambarkan apa yang terjadi, but ia hanya boleh kita jadikan kenangan. And i like to share all those happy things that happen around me for the last two month.
I wont regret for what happen, because iam just a human being that have to face all the trials.

From right : me, diyana, and my permenant
Kak Ira . thanx honey!
p/s : so much too say!
i love being me.
and i love all people
around me :)
i love being me.
and i love all people
around me :)
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