hey, seminggu cuti CNY kali neh. wah! bukan maen
lecturer i semua beraye tahun neh. meh ang-paw seket miss! :)
Alolo, even cuti neh takde plan mane-mane
plus duet punt tarak. so? jgn banyak cite!
duk umah diam-diam okay syg! hehe
harap-harap naek cuti pas neh
semakin rajin yer cik husna~
plus midterm berdedai-dedai !
coming soon! alahaiii~
Happy Chinese New Year
to all my frenz who will celebrate it!
“When one door closes another door opens;
but we so often look so long and
so regretfully upon the closed door,
that we do not see the ones which open for us.”
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