Last weekend, ahmad syihan came to visit me in Melaka. auw! Dah beberapa bulan tak jumpe! rindu gilak! he's coming here to celebrate my 21st years old birthday honey! He spend 3days 2night with me. *tapi still tak hilang rindu lagi laaaaaaa. sob3
Ermm kali neh, kitorang takde aktiviti special pun.. just jalan-jalan and pergi makan. Urgh, biler toad datang neh,badan naek balek, sebab makan jerp keje. adoi~
Btw, congrats and goodluck to mr.toad sebab dapat tawaran kerja yang baru di Petronas. Erm ader test 18hb neh kan? So, goodluck honey!
After toad balek jeh, mulee rindu toad balek. eishhh~
Ermm kali neh, kitorang takde aktiviti special pun.. just jalan-jalan and pergi makan. Urgh, biler toad datang neh,badan naek balek, sebab makan jerp keje. adoi~
Btw, congrats and goodluck to mr.toad sebab dapat tawaran kerja yang baru di Petronas. Erm ader test 18hb neh kan? So, goodluck honey!
After toad balek jeh, mulee rindu toad balek. eishhh~

then biler jumpe terus jerp belii. huu~
*takamek pic pun kat jonker
sebab toad marah

*tak sempat celebrate bersama toad aritue
so last day before he going back
toad suapkan cake. lalala~

love : ouch gemoks!
toad : syg memang gemoks!
love : grrrr. <3
p/s : i love you the way you are
so love me like the way iam.
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